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ICL: what fields are explicitly filled in ICL creation process steps

WMS documentation


This document describes what information is filled explicitly by Intercompany Logistics (ICL) in different steps of the ICL process, as per product update 409.

Fields not specifically filled by ICL are either empty or filled according to standard rules of Exact Globe.



The following process steps are described in this document:

Sales database - Export sales order

Following fields are specifically filled when a new sales order is created in the central database.

Sales order header ('original' refers to the sales order in the sales database):

  • order debtor number = either same debtor as in sales database (when appropriate setting is enabled) or the ICL default debtor in the central database
  • delivery debtor number = either same debtor as in sales database (when appropriate setting is enabled) or the ICL default debtor in the central database
  • invoice debtor number = ICL default debtor in central database
  • your reference = sales company + "/" + original sales order number
  • description = original order debtor name
  • description1 = original description
  • description2 = central database company + "/" + original sales order number
  • description3 = original 'your reference'
  • sales order date = original sales order date
  • delivery date = original delivery date
  • order debtor data = original order debtor data (when filled):
    • name
    • address1, address2, address3
    • postal code
    • city
    • state
    • country
    • phone
    • fax
    • contact person
    • contact person title
    • contact person initials
    • e-mail address (from release 409)
  • delivery debtor data = original delivery debtor data (when filled):
    • name
    • address1, address2, address3
    • postal code
    • city
    • state
    • country
    • phone
    • fax
    • contact person
    • contact person title
    • contact person initials
    • e-mail address (from release 409)
  • selection code: original selection code, when setting 'import selection code' was enabled
  • delivery method (shipping via): original delivery method, when filled
  • partial delivery allowed: original setting
  • freight data (packages, gross weight, net weight): original data, when filled
  • custom field 'csPickitCWSysGuidSalesDB' = record GUID from original orkrg record
  • custom field 'csPickitCWIsPOinSalesDB' = 0 (0=exported sales order, 1=exported purchase order)
  • custom field 'csPickitCWWarehouseSalesDB' = ICL warehouse used in original order line

Sales order line:

  • item code = original item code (or replaced with ICL item code, depending settings and configuration)
  • quantity = original quantity
  • warehouse = when ICL debtor setting 'Import warehouses' is enabled, the ICL warehouse code defined in the sales company warehouse configuration, is used.
    Otherwise the warehouse is not explicitly filled and the Exact Globe default warehouse will be used.
  • delivery date = original order line delivery date
  • instruction text = original instruction text
  • long description = original long description
  • description = item description (from central database master data)
  • custom field CSPickITCWStatusCWDB = "W" (new, no changes)
  • custom field CSPickITSysGUIDSalesDB = original order line sysguid
  • custom field CSPickITCWOriginIsSalesDB = 1


Purchase database - Export purchase order

Sales order header:

  • order debtor number = ICL default debtor in the central database
  • delivery debtor number = ICL default debtor in the central database
  • invoice debtor number = ICL default debtor in central database
  • your reference = sales company + "/" + original purchase order number
  • description = description from purchase order in purchase database
  • description1 = original description
  • description2 = central database company + "/" + original purchase order number
  • description3 = original 'your reference'
  • sales order date = original purchase order date
  • delivery date = original delivery date
  • order debtor data = from default ICL debtor in central database
  • delivery debtor data = original delivery address data (default: warehouse address, or else changed address) :
    • name
    • address1, address2, address3
    • postal code
    • city
    • state
    • country
    • phone
    • fax
    • contact person
    • contact person title
    • contact person initials
  • selection code: original selection code, when setting 'import selection code' was enabled
  • delivery method (shipping via): original delivery method, when filled
  • partial delivery allowed = default setting from the ICL debtor
  • freight data (packages, gross weight, net weight): original data, when filled
  • custom field 'csPickitCWSysGuidSalesDB' = sysguid from original orkrg record
  • custom field 'csPickitCWIsPOinSalesDB' = 1 (0=exported sales order, 1=exported purchase order)
  • custom field 'csPickitCWWarehouseSalesDB' = warehouse used in original order line

Sales order line:

  • item code = original item code (or replaced with ICL item code, depending settings and configuration)
  • quantity = original quantity
  • warehouse = when ICL debtor setting 'Import warehouses' is enabled, the ICL warehouse code defined in the sales company warehouse configuration, is used.
    Otherwise the warehouse is not explicitly filled and the Exact Globe default warehouse will be used.
  • delivery date = original order line delivery date
  • instruction text = original instruction text
  • long description = original long description
  • description = item description (from central database master data)
  • custom field CSPickITCWStatusCWDB = "W" (new, no changes)
  • custom field CSPickITSysGUIDSalesDB = original order line sysguid
  • custom field CSPickITCWOriginIsSalesDB = 1

Central database - Export Invoice (create purchase invoice)

Purchase invoice header:

  • journal code from ICL settings
  • your reference = sales invoice number
  • resource = current logged in Exact user starting export function
  • currency code = currency from creditor from ICL settings
  • creditor = creditor from ICL settings
  • total amount = total amount from sales invoice (sales invoice history header record)
  • description = 'your reference' from sales invoice
  • reporting date = sales invoice date
  • entry date = sales invoice date

Purchase invoice line data:

  • item code = item code from sales invoice line (sales invoice history item record)
  • quantity = quantity from sales invoice line
  • amount = amount excluding VAT from sales invoice line
  • VAT code = determined in following order:
    • ICL VAT code links configured in menu System, Logistics, Intercompany logistics, ICL VAT links
    •  item/creditor data ('ItemAccounts'), except for 'rule' items
    • default VAT code of supplier
  • G/L account = G/L account configured for 'invoices/items to be received', per item (if configured) or general setting
  • warehouse = ICL warehouse (except for 'rule' item)
  • description = central database company + "/" + delivery note number in central company
  • Globe entry type = 'normal'
  • order number = purchase order number (earlier created by ICL)
  • custom field csPickitCWDeliveryNoteCWDB = delivery note in central database
  • custom field csPickitCWInvoicenumberCWDB = sales invoice in central database
  • cost unit = determined in following order (only applies when Globe 'Cost Analysis' is enabled):
    • cost unit from purchase order line (also see related BR 39.193.912)
    • cost unit configured in item's item group
    • cost unit configured for the G/L account 
  • cost center = default cost center for the creditor's offset account (only applies when Globe 'Cost Analysis' is enabled)
  • reporting date = sales invoice date
  • entry date = sales invoice date


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